Archery Range Rules
- Crossbows, Long Bows, Recurve Bows, Compound Bows, Atlatls, and as approved, other means of projecting arrows are allowed on the Archery Range.
- Shooters must ensure no one is down range prior to making the range Hot.
- Arrows should not be knocked while the line is Cold.
- Knocked arrows should be pointed down range at all times.
- Archers must fire from designated shooting positions. Standing shooters must straddle the firing line. Absolutely no shooting from behind the firing line.
- Field and target point arrows should be carried in a quiver or with points in the hand.
- Broadhead/razor points should be carried in a quiver.
- Broadhead/razor points may be shot at hay bales only. Target and field points may be used on all targets. Archers may bring own targets for Broad head/razor points.
- When going down range, hang your bow at the firing line. On the field range, bows may be left at the shooting position or leaned against the target face.
- No dry firing Tri-City Gun Club bows.
- No running on field or target courses.
- No shooting into the air, lofting, or other indirect forms of fire.
- Cleanup the area and reset targets when you are done shooting.
- Please leave found arrows in the arrow return container.
Archery Range Information
The Tri-City Gun Club (TCGC) archery range consists of a practice range and a field range. All TCGC rules apply. However, a few rules unique to the archery range are also enforced.
- Communication: Communication with fellow shooters is mandatory. Let other shooters know what range and what lane you will be using.
- Lost Arrows: A lost arrow container is located in the practice area. If you find an arrow that is not yours, place it there. We strongly suggest using a personal crest or other indicator on your arrows so that they are identifiable.
- Shooting for distance: Flight shooting (shooting for maximum distance, with no regard for accuracy) and lofting (shooting very high) are NOT PERMITTED at any time.
- Targets: Several varieties of targets are available…
- Yellow Jacket bag targets: These targets are for use with target points or field points ONLY.
- Hay Bale Butts: These targets may be used with any kind of point, including broad heads. Please note: the impact surface of the hay bale targets have several layers of burlap wrapped cardboard and may dull blades. Therefore, we recommend broad head users bring their own targets.
- 3D Targets: There are several 3D targets available for use during planned events supervised by TCGC archery instructors and/or range safety officers. Only target points and field points are to be used on the 3D targets. Please note that arrows shot from high draw weight bows will be difficult to remove from 3D targets.
- Personal Targets: Shooters are welcome to use their own targets on the practice and field range.
- Target selection: Only shoot targets directly in line with the shooting position. Shoot only at targets appropriate for your arrowhead.
- Wildlife: Some areas are prone to flooding and draw wildlife. Please leave them to go about their business.
Practice Range
The practice range includes Yellow Jacket bag targets for target or field points only and hay bale targets. The firing line is located at the east side on the concrete pad and accommodates up to eighteen shooters. Yellow Jacket bag targets are set from ten yards to eighty yards. Five hay bale targets are set at twenty, thirty, forty, sixty and eighty yards respectively. DO NOT shoot beyond the eighty-yard target. The earth and straw backstop at the end of the practice range is there to stop missed shots and is not a target position. When the practice range is cold, bows are to be tabled, hung, or grounded.
Field Range
The field range includes sixteen shooting lanes numbered one thru sixteen. The field range IS NOT an NFAA range. Fourteen targets are maintained year round. Two targets, located in an area that routinely floods, are seasonal. Some lanes may periodically hold water during the wet season. There is an elevated shooting platform located at shooting lane number two. There are several power poles placed next to the shooting lane number nine for those wishing to practice with their personal tree stands. Use of the poles and platform is at the shooter’s own risk. Fixed targets on the field range are hay bale butts set from ten yards to eighty yards. On the field range, place bows in front of the shooting stake or target face when retrieving arrows.
The final portion of the field trail for archers returning to the practice range ends behind the CONEX at the practice range. This trail also leads to the restroom facility. We recommend archers and guests (especially children) use this path to get to the restroom as it avoids walking on the road and cars turning a blind corner. The trail includes a small footbridge that crosses an area prone to flooding.
Youth Archery
During Daylight Savings Time the club offers instruction on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m., free of charge. Thanks to donations by members and the Friends of the NRA, all necessary equipment is provided. Adult sized bows are available for older teens that have outgrown youth bows. A crossbow is available for adults who are unable to use a bow. It may only be used under the direct supervision of TCGC archery instructors. Instruction is primarily intended for children under eighteen. However, persons of any age are welcome to participate with the understanding that children are given priority and pacing is set to their skill level.
This scoring method is modified from the National Field Archery Association (NFAA) rules to suit the variance in set up of the TCGC field range from that prescribed by the NFAA Constitution. A full round consists of 28 scored targets with a maximum score of 560 points. The maximum range target is 80 yards. Please note this differs from the NFAA rules which specify a maximum range of 60 yards. A minimum of 6 arrows is required to complete the course. Slower parties please allow faster parties to shoot through.
Archery Etiquette
Animal Target Face Scoring
- 1st Arrow 21 points x-ring
- 20 points vital
- 18 points wound
- 2nd Arrow 17 points x-ring
- 16 points vital
- 14 points wound
- 3rd Arrow 13 points x-ring
- 12 points vital
- 10 points wound
An arrow shaft need only touch the line to be counted in the area of next higher value.
Shooting Order
- Target 1 - Shooting stake 80 yards second and third shots 75 and 70 yards walk-up
- Target 2a - Shooting stake 55 yards second and third shots 50 and 45 yards walk-up
- Target 2b high stand - 55 yards 3shots from the stand no walk-up (if the shooter is acrophobic or cannot climb 3 shots may be taken from the stake)
- Target 3 - Shooting stake 49 yards second and third shots 44 and 39 yards walk-up
- Target 4 - Shooting stake 37 yards second third shots no walk-up
- Target 5 - Shooting stake 20 yards second and third shots no walk-up
- Target 6 - Shooting stake 17 yards second and third shots no walk-up
- Target 7 - Shooting stake 14 yards second and third shots no walk-up
- Target 8 - Shooting stake 13 yards second and third shots no walk-up
- Target 9 – Shooting stake 37 yards second and third shots no walk-up
- Target 10- Shooting stake 35 yards across flooded area no walk-up, arrows retrieved after shooting target 11
- Target 11 – Shooting stake 18 yards second and third shots no walk-up
- Target 12 – Shooting stake 18 yards second and third shots no walk-up
- Target 13 – Shooting stake 22 yards second and third shot no walk-up
- Target 14 – Shooting stake 52 yards second and third shots 47 and 42 yards walk-up
To complete a 28 target course reverse the order of shooting if there are few shooters otherwise start again at target 1 for the second round. Targets 15 and 16 are in the flooded area and are seasonal, ranges are not established.
Shooting Rules
Up to 3 marked arrows may be shot in successive order, only the highest scoring arrow will count. Targets with distance of 30 yards or greater will be considered of walk-up targets; the first arrow must be shot from the stake, the second arrow from 5 yards closer and the third arrow from 10 yards closer to the target. For targets less than 30 yards all shots will be made from the target stake. No archer shall advance to the target and then return to shoot again in the event of a missed arrow.