***Time subject to change***
SET UP-7:30 am
SIGN IN 8:30 am
SHOOTING @ 9:00am
$15 to participate, $10 if you help setup and tear down. All payments will be made at Stat House.
The number of bays we set up will depend upon how many people show up, but I'd like to do a minimum of two bays.
This will be handy, as it gives us an idea of about how many people will be participating as well as how many will be helping to set up.
Also, a friendly reminder to show up with magazines out of all firearms, empty chamber indicators in your rifle and shotgun which are not to be removed until you're in the shooter's box.
Everyone's done fantastic on this rule, just a head's up for those who are new.
Would you like to design. Course? Come at 7:30!
Double check weather Sunday.
See you all Sunday!
Eric Bauman