WARNING!!! Snakes and Critters
When you come to the range, be conscious of what is around you, look before you pick things up from the ground, move sand bags, open trap machines, etc. When you walk down range, pay attention to what is around you.
If you encounter snakes and critters, leave them alone, make note of where they are, give them a wide berth, do not try to pick them up and do not shoot them. They will move along given the right opportunity.
Early this morning a member encountered what he reported to be three Copperhead Snakes, around the Stat House that were probably enjoying the buffet of little frogs around the night light pole. Of course the little frogs were enjoying the buffet of little bugs atracted to the light. He encouraged them to move to the west off of the range.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Ken Anderson